Aqua Link performs aquatic plant (aquatic macrophyte) surveys to document the types of aquatic plants in ponds and lakes. Aquatic plants generally fall into several different categories: emergent, submerged and floating-leaved. Aquatic plants are collected in the field and identified at different sampling locations throughout the pond or lake. During an aquatic plant survey, the density of all identified plants are recorded. The above data are then used to prepare aquatic plant (macrophyte) maps, which are used by our professional lake managers in developing lake management plans for our clients' lakes.
Aquatic plant surveys are extremely important in determining the presence of any non-native aquatic plants in lakes. Many non-native aquatic plants can be very aggressive and out compete more desirable, native aquatic plant species.
Some examples of non-native aquatic plants that are very aggressive and can impair many desirable lake uses (boating, swimming, fishing, water skiing) are water chestnut, hydrilla, eurasian watermilfoil, variable leaf milfoil, and fanwort. The best way to protect your waters is by having aquatic plant surveys performed routinely by a qualified lake manager. Early detection is critical in controlling these invaders before they overtake a pond or lake.
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