Biological augmentation is the addition of bacterial cultures (beneficial bacteria, beneficial pond bacteria, beneficial lake bacteria ) required to speed up the rate of degradation of a contaminant. With respect to ponds and lakes, this is a newer in-lake management technique in the U.S. and the contaminants are organic matter (suspended or sediments), nutrients and reduced gases like hydrogen sulfide and methane.
The overall goals of bioaugmentation is to improve both water quality and water clarity and breakdown organic matter throughout the water column in ponds and lakes and in sediments (organic muck).
Aqua Link is a leader in the U.S. when it comes to managing ponds, lakes and reservoirs using concentrated bacteria additives (beneficial bacteria). We started working with bioaugmentaion on ponds and larger lake systems in the early 2000's. After many hours of field testing and analyzing lake data, this eventually lead to the development for our concentrated bacteria product lines - a pond formulation and a larger lake/reservoir formulation ( beneficial pond bacteria and beneficial lake bacteria).
Aqua Link frequently implements bioaugmentation in conjunction with other in-lake management best management practices such as lake aeration and the use of algaecides. In many instances, bioaugmentation is quite successful by itself but the greatest results are most often seen with combining this management practice with aeration and/or algaecide treatments. When algaecides and bioaugmentation are combined, we have found that we can often apply algaecides at much lower dosing rates for algae control, which is a win for the environment.
Video showing how to apply MicroLife Clear bacteria in ponds (beneficial pond bacteria) by Hydro Logic Products. More of our pond and lake management videos can be viewed at our Aqua Link YouTube Channel
Video showing how to apply MicroLife Clear Max beneficial bacteria (beneficial lake bacteria) in larger lakes and reservoirs by Hydro Logic Products. More of our pond and lake management videos can be viewed at our Aqua Link YouTube Channel
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