Aqua Link is your Pennsylvania lake management services company (PA lake management services company) and Pennsylvania lake management company (PA lake management company) established in 1998. We physically work on hundreds of ponds and lakes throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. We also provide pond and lake management consultation services and sell pond and lake equipment (water fountains and aerators) and products (pond bacteria, pond dyes, aquatic pesticides) throughout the U.S. and internationally.
Aqua Link can assist you in properly managing your pond or lake - no matter what size! We have clients with small ponds (less than 1/10th acre) and others with huge reservoirs (exceeding thousands of acres). We are proud of the fact that we serve as the lake consultants for Lake Wallenpaupack, which is over 5,700 acres in size. To get things started - just give us a call for your free consultation by one of our professional Pond & Lake Managers!
Aqua Link is your one stop shop when it comes to Pennsylvania lake management services (Pennsylvania lake management services company), Pennsylvania lake management (Pennsylvania lake management company). We provide a wide variety of lake management services and lake management consulting services including algae and weed control, water quality monitoring, aquascaping, fish assessments, fish stockings, aeration (sales, installation & maintenance), pond and lake mapping (water/sediment depth mapping), and much, much, more.
Please view our Sales and Services Map to learn more about where about Aqua Link provides professional aquatic services and sales of aquatic products, pond aerators, lake aeration systems and water fountains throughout the U.S.
Aqua Link is very unique when it comes to pond and lake aeration and we are your Pennsylvania lake aeration and water fountain experts. We are Master Distributors and Authorized Service Repair Centers for the top brands of water fountains and pond aerators: AquaMaster, Kasco Marine, and AirMax. We are also distributors for Keeton Solaer solar aeration systems and we manufacture our own line of diffused air aeration systems (bubblers) under the Hydro Logic AirLift Aeration name. Hydro Logic pond aerators and lake aeration systems are locally built in Bucks County, Pennsylvania (
Aqua Link also sells a wide variety of aquatic products for the Do-It-Yourselfers - we are your Pennsylvania lake management products and lake supplies experts. We carry many different brands of aquatic pesticides for algae and aquatic weed control, pond dyes, and concentrated bacteria additives. Our own brands of pond dyes (AquaSplash Blue and AquaSplash Black) and concentrated bacteria additives (MicroLife Clear and MicroLife Clear Max) are professional-grade products that used by many professional pond and lake managers.
Aqua Link is staffed with highly qualified pond and lake managers with extensive experience in algae control in ponds, lakes and reservoirs. We manage hundreds of ponds and lakes annually for our clients. Algae typically occur as phytoplankton (free-floating, microscopic tiny aquatic plants) and filamentous algae. Filamentous algae first grows along the bottom of ponds and lakes, and then commonly breaks loose and becomes buoyant forming unattractive surface algal mats.
Aqua Link often uses an integrated approach to control excessive amounts of algae (kill algae) which often includes the use of aquatic algaecides, pond dyes, concentrated bacteria additives (known as bioaugmentation) and aeration (water fountains and diffused air aeration systems).
Aqua Link manages hundreds of ponds and lakes for excessive growth of aquatic plants (aquatic plant control). Aquatic plants are generally categorized as emergent (cattails, phragmites, irises, rushes, sedges, pickerelweed), submergent (pondweeds, elodea, milfoils, naiads), and floating leaved (i.e. water lilies, water shield, duckweed, watermeal).
Aqua Link performs aquatic plant (aquatic macrophyte) surveys to document the types of aquatic plants in ponds and lakes. Aquatic plants generally fall into several different categories: emergent, submerged and floating-leaved. Aquatic plants are collected in the field and identified at different sampling locations throughout the pond or lake. During an aquatic plant survey, the density of all identified plants are recorded. The above data are then used to prepare aquatic plant (macrophyte) maps, which are used by our professional lake managers in developing lake management plans for our clients' lakes.
Aqua Link is a leader in the U.S. when it comes to managing ponds, lakes and reservoirs using concentrated bacteria additives (beneficial bacteria). We started working with bioaugmentaion on ponds and larger lake systems in the early 2000's. After many hours of field testing and analyzing lake data, this eventually lead to the development for our concentrated bacteria product lines - a pond formulation and a larger lake/reservoir formulation ( beneficial pond bacteria and beneficial lake bacteria).
Aqua Link frequently implements bioaugmentation in conjunction with other in-lake management best management practices such as lake aeration and the use of algaecides. In many instances, bioaugmentation is quite successful by itself but the greatest results are most often seen with combining this management practice with aeration and/or algaecide treatments. When algaecides and bioaugmentation are combined, we have found that we can often apply algaecides at much lower dosing rates for algae control, which is a win for the environment.
Aqua Link is staffed with a team of professional lake and fisheries managers with extensive experience in fisheries management ranging from fish removal and relocation projects to developing comprehensive fishery management plans. For our fishery surveys and fishery assessments, fish are generally captured using seine nets, trap nets and electrofishing techniques.
Captured fish are typically measured, weighed and inspected for any diseases or parasites. Scales are routinely collected from game fish like smallmouth and largemouth bass for aging back at our laboratory facility. Some captured fish can be tagged for recapture in order to determine growth rates. All captured fish in fishery surveys and assessments are safely returned to the study pond or lake.
Aqua Link team of professional pond and lake managers are trained to install, maintain and repair many brands of water fountains including AquaMaster, Kasco, AirMax and Otterbine.
Once installed, we provide our clients annual water fountain contracts which may include spring installation, fall removal and power washing, secure offsite winter storage and annual motor maintenance. All work performed is by our manufacturer authorized water fountain repair technicians. Most of our clients elect to have both their water fountain and pond maintenance contracts with Aqua Link.
Aqua Link team of professional pond and lake managers are trained to install, maintain and repair many brands of diffused air (bubbler type) pond and lake aeration systems manufactured by Hydro Logic, AquaMaster, Kasco, AirMax, Keeton and others.
Annual maintenance contracts for our clients typically include spring startup and air diffuser cleaning/maintenance, summer inspections, fall shutdowns and rebuilding air compressors during the winter months. All work performed is by our manufacturer authorized aerator repair technicians. Similar to our water fountain customers, the majority of our clients decide to have both their aeration systems and pond maintenance contracts with Aqua Link.
Aqua Link has a complete line of lake water quality monitoring equipment and a fleet of watercraft to monitor the water quality of any size pond, lake or reservoir. Insitu water quality data that are routinely collected by our team of professional pond and lake managers are Secchi disk transparency, pH, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, specific conductance, total dissolved solids, salinity and oxidation reduction potential (ORP).
Water samples are routinely collected during lake monitoring at various water depths and analyzed for nutrients (various forms of phosphorus and nitrogen), total suspended solids, chlorophyll-a, phaeophytin, hardness, and alkalinity. Lake water samples are also collected for the identification and enumeration of phytoplankton (free floating tiny aquatic plants or algae) and zooplankton. Lake data are commonly analyzed to determine the trophic state of ponds, lakes and reservoirs.
A Phase I Diagnostic - Feasibility Pond Study or Lake Study is a two-part study designed to determine the current conditions of a pond or lake and its surrounding watershed and to develop a lake and watershed management plan.
The diagnostic phase of the study generally involves collecting, analyzing and interpreting pond or lake (lake water quality monitoring, lake monitoring) and watershed data. The feasibility phase extends from the diagnostic work and its purpose is to identify and evaluate all plausible pond or lake and watershed best management practices to restore and/or protect pond or lake water quality.
Therefore, it cannot be overemphasized that the collection, analysis and interpretation of pond or lake data and watershed data are a critical step when evaluating and selecting pond or lake and watershed best management practices for future implementation.
Aqua Link team of professional pond and lake managers use boats equipped with sophisticated electronic water depth plot charting and GPS equipment to quickly acquire large amounts of accurate lake water depth and location data. In turn, these lake data are used to prepare lake water depth maps known as lake bathymetry maps.
Lake bathymetry maps are then used to determine important lake characteristics such as minimum and maximum water depths, mean (average) water depth, lake water volume, volume of hypolimnion, flushing rate and hydraulic residence time. The above parameters are needed to determine hydrologic, nutrient and sediment loading budgets for lakes and reservoirs.
Aqua Link has extensive experience in removing phosphorus in ponds and lakes using Phoslock and other products. Phoslock is a proprietary and unique water treatment product that permanently binds excess phosphorus in the water column and enables it to settle in an environmentally benign state. It was developed in the 1990s by the Australian national science agency CSIRO and consists of lanthanum-modified bentonite.
Phoslock works by utilizing the ability of lanthanum to react with phosphate. Removal of phosphate by lanthanum is highly efficient and has a molar ratio of 1:1 which means that one ion of lanthanum will bind with one ion of phosphate. This binding forms the mineral Rhabdophane (an insoluble and biologically inert compound) which strips phosphate from the water.
Only the Best Aquatic Products & Aerators at the Best Prices!
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