Hydro Logic Products is one of the premier manufacturers of aeration systems for ponds, lakes, reservoirs, marinas and stormwater retention basins. Hydro Logic also provides cost-effective and innovative aeration solutions for commercial and industrial applications including the oil and gas and mining industries. Whether you have a ¼ acre pond or a 100+ acre lake, Hydro Logic Products can improve the water quality of your waters.
Hydro Logic also sell a wide variety of pond management and lake management products including it's own line of pond and lake bacteria (MicroLife Clear & MicroLife Clear Max) and pond dyes (AquaSplash Blue & Black Pond Dye). MicroLife Clear Max is specifically designed for larger lakes and reservoir systems.
Hydro Logic Products offers two different aeration system product lines with ten different models to meet all of your pond aeration and lake aeration needs. In addition, Hydro Logic Products builds custom pond and lake aeration systems for those customers with larger bodies of water. Their standard AirLift aeration systems are used to avoid winter fishkill in ponds and lakes plus protect docks, boats, bulkheads and other property from winter ice damage.
Hydro Logic Products AirLift pond aeration and lake aeration systems are designed and built to completely mix and aerate ponds, lakes, reservoirs and marinas. All of our AirLift and AirLift XL pond aerators and lake aerator systems were designed and field-tested by a team of highly qualified and experienced professional lake managers and engineers. Our pond aeration and lake aeration systems use billions of micron sized bubbles to cost effectively control algae, improve water quality, increase water clarity, prevent fish kills and reduce the risk of spreading West Nile virus.
Kasco (Kasco Marine) manufacturers a wide range of aerating decorative fountains and pond aerators, which are available in 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 2, 5 and 7.5 HP sizes. The most popular Kasco fountains for pond and lakes are the J Series and the VX Series. Kasco Marine also builds pond and lake aeration systems, industrial strength pond aerators, water circulators and deicers.
Kasco de-icers push warm, bottom water to the surface to prevent or eliminate ice formation. This creates an ice-free area of protection around your boat, dock, pier, or other in-water property during freezing temperatures. Providing this ice-free zone will successfully prevent damage from ice jacking and expansion. De-icers can also help protect fish and aquatic species, by allowing for open areas where oxygen can enter the water.
Kasco D Series de-Icers are available in ½, ¾, and 1HP sizes and available in 120V (60 Hz) and 240V (60 Hz) power configurations to fit a variety of installations and applications. Each de-icer includes two 20 ft. (6m) suspension ropes for suspension installation.
Optional mounting systems include the Universal Dock Mount and Industrial Dock Mount. Thermostat and timer controllers are also available to help you save power and improve your de-icer’s performance.
Only the Best Aquatic Products & Aerators at the Best Prices!
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