All mosquitoes must have water to complete their life cycle. Adult mosquitoes lay their eggs in places that hold water which of course includes ponds and lakes. Only the female mosquitoes require the blood of animals including humans for their eggs to develop. If female mosquitoes do not get this blood meal, they will die without laying viable eggs. Once their eggs are laid, they hatch into larvae as shown in photograph.These larvae prefer to position themselves just beneath the surface of ponds and lakes. This is because most mosquito larvae have siphon tubes for breathing and hang from the water surface.
Next, mosquito larvae go into a dormant stage and now the mosquitoes are now called pupae. Pupae still lie beneath the surface of the water for a short period of time before splitting their skins and emerging from ponds and lakes as new adult mosquitoes.
Adult mosquitoes are a common vector that is capable of spreading a wide range of diseases to both animals and humans alike. In most cases following a mosquito bite, only a small bump and itching occur as a result of a mild allergic reaction to the saliva of mosquitoes. Conversely, if a mosquito draws blood from an infected person, this disease can be spread to others by mosquito bites.
Some of the more serve diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes are West Nile virus, encephalitis, Zika virus, Chikungunya virus, Dengue Fever virus and others. West Nile and encephalitis (St. Louis, LaCrosse and Eastern Equine) are viruses that generally cause swelling of brain and spinal cord, which under some circumstances can cause death. Zika virus can result in Guillain-Barre syndrome and a birth defect called microcephaly. Chikungunya virus can cause severe pain in your joints that may last several weeks. The Dengue Fever virus will result in a sudden high fever and may lead to bleeding a little from the nose or gums. It can be very uncomfortable before the symptoms eventually disappear.
Aqua Link's professional staff offers its customers with cost-effective solutions for controlling mosquito populations in ponds and lakes. We offer integrated pond and lake management plans including the use of aquatic pesticides, pond and lake aeration, and fish stockings.
Aquatic pesticides like Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis) are used to target mosquito larvae. Bti is a subspecies of Bacillus bacteria that produces a toxin that kills the larvae of mosquitoes and black fly. Bti is not toxic to humans.
Aeration using either water fountains or diffused air aeration systems (bubblers) or a combination of both allow for water mixing. In turn, water mixing reduces the viability of suspended mosquito larvae and pupae underneath surfaces of ponds and lakes.
Fish stockings provide another tool for mosquito control. Aqua Link stocks ponds and lakes with forage fish that actively feed upon the larvae and pupae stages of mosquitoes and black flies.
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